Restaurants within 2 miles of Long Island City, New York

Listing 181 restaurants in and around Long Island City.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

marker1 0.82 miles

425 Main Street, NEW YORK, New York 10044


marker2 0.79 miles

47-30 Vernon Boulevard, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101


marker3 0.82 miles

22 North Loop Road, NEW YORK, New York 10044

marker4 0.75 miles

35-19 Queens Boulevard, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101

marker5 0.76 miles

47-25 Vernon Boulevard, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101

marker6 0.86 miles

1007 50th Avenue, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101

marker7 0.20 miles

27-10 43rd Avenue, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101


marker8 0.50 miles

2222 Jackson Avenue, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101

marker9 0.51 miles

38-01 31st Street, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101


marker10 0.36 miles

38-40 Crescent Street, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101

marker11 0.50 miles

10-50 44th Drive, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101


marker12 0.26 miles

25-03 40th Avenue, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101


marker13 0.26 miles

27-20 40th Avenue, QUEENS, New York 11101


marker14 0.22 miles

26-23 Jackson Avenue, QUEENS, New York 11101

Subs / Sandwiches

marker15 0.85 miles

37-4 Queens Boulevard, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101

marker16 0.69 miles

2914 36th Avenue, ASTORIA, New York 11106


marker17 0.86 miles

4610 Center Boulevard, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11109


marker18 0.71 miles

10-39 47th Road, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101


marker19 0.86 miles

10-37 Jackson Avenue, LONG ISLAND CITY, New York 11101

marker20 0.20 miles

2748 Jackson Avenue, NEW YORK, New York 11101


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