Restaurants within 2 miles of Worland, Wyoming

Listing 24 restaurants in and around Worland.

Worland is a city in Washakie County, Wyoming. The population was 4,773 at the 2020 census, down from 5,487 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Washakie County. It is located within the Big Horn Basin and along the Big Horn River in northwestern Wyoming.

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marker1 0.41 miles

600 South 12th Street, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401


marker2 0.36 miles

1500 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

Fast Food

marker3 0.37 miles

544 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401


marker4 0.31 miles

542 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

marker5 0.36 miles

1515 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401


marker6 0.47 miles

800 North 10th Street, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

marker7 0.09 miles

210 North 10th Street, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

Subs / Sandwiches

marker8 0.23 miles

400 North 10th Street, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

marker9 0.26 miles

625 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401


marker10 0.18 miles

327 North 11th Street, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

marker11 0.23 miles

1316 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

Coffee shop / Tea

marker12 0.15 miles

1001 Pulliam Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

marker13 0.15 miles

1214 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401


marker14 0.10 miles

1110 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

marker15 0.42 miles

1608 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401


marker16 0.27 miles

616 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

marker17 0.45 miles

1620 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401

marker18 0.28 miles

616 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401


marker19 0.48 miles

602 South 12th Street, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401


marker20 0.06 miles

1110 Big Horn Avenue, WORLAND, Wyoming 82401


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