Restaurants within 2 miles of Fitchburg, Wisconsin

There are no dining options available within 2 miles of Fitchburg. The following are the nearest listings found. Note distances are as the crow flies and may not reflect actual travel distances.

Fitchburg is a city in Dane County, Wisconsin. The population was 29,609 at the 2020 census. It is a suburb south of Madison and is part of the Madison metropolitan area. Fitchburg consists of a mix of suburban neighborhoods closer to the border with the city of Madison, commercial and industrial properties, and more rural properties in the southern portion of the city.

marker1 2.07 miles
Photo showing Quivey's Grove

6261 Nesbitt Road, FITCHBURG, Wisconsin 53719

marker2 1.40 miles

958 Liberty Drive, VERONA, Wisconsin 53593

marker3 1.25 miles

6640 Cty Highway M, VERONA, Wisconsin 53593


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