Restaurants within 2 miles of Yorktown, Virginia

Listing 8 restaurants in and around Yorktown.

Geography makes Yorktown a strategic place in control of the rivers of Virginia and access to the Chesapeake Bay. Yorktown was named for York, a city in Northern England, and was founded in 1691 as a port for shipping tobacco to Europe.

marker1 0.67 miles
Photo showing Joe & Mimma's Italian Pizza

5742 George Washington Mem Highway, YORKTOWN, Virginia 23692


marker2 0.11 miles

332 Water Street, YORKTOWN, Virginia 23690

We invite you to come into our locally owned and operated ice cream scoop shop and dig into any one of our euphoric ice cream flavors.

Enjoy a fresh waffle cone or your favorite sundae while viewing the York River.

marker3 0.05 miles
Photo showing Water Street Grille

323 Water Street, YORKTOWN, Virginia 23690

marker4 1.33 miles

1569 George Washington Mem Highway, GLOUCESTER POINT, Virginia 23062

marker5 0.19 miles

540 Water Street, YORKTOWN, Virginia 23690

marker6 0.17 miles

524 Water Street, YORKTOWN, Virginia 23690


marker7 0.15 miles

508 Water Street, YORKTOWN, Virginia 23692


marker8 0.05 miles

323 Water Stree A-2, YORKTOWN, Virginia 23690

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