Restaurants within 2 miles of Fort Monroe, Virginia

Listing 15 restaurants in and around Fort Monroe.

Fort Monroe is a former military installation in Hampton, Virginia, at Old Point Comfort, the southern tip of the Virginia Peninsula. It is currently managed by partnership between the Fort Monroe Authority for the Commonwealth of Virginia, the National Park Service, and the city of Hampton as the Fort Monroe National Monument. Along with Fort Wool, Fort Monroe originally guarded the navigation channel between the Chesapeake Bay and Hampton Roads—the natural roadstead at the confluence of the Elizabeth, the Nansemond and the James rivers.

marker1 1.09 miles
Photo showing Cibus Chophouse

30 East Mellen Street, HAMPTON, Virginia 23663

Cibus Chophouse is the evolution of Cibus Restaurant, a culinary establishment dedicated to providing fresh, affordable meals and an elevated, refined dining experience in the heart of Phoebus, Hampton.

marker2 1.99 miles

15 Marina Road, HAMPTON, Virginia 23669

Surf Rider Restaurant is a family owned seafood restaurant with a fresh menu featuring our world famous crabcake,fresh seafood,fresh home made desserts.

marker3 1.23 miles

617 East Mercury Boulevard, HAMPTON, Virginia 23663

marker4 1.23 miles

617 East Mercury Boulevard, HAMPTON, Virginia 23663


marker5 1.16 miles

24 North Mallory Street, HAMPTON, Virginia 23663

marker6 1.16 miles

36 North Mallory Street, HAMPTON, Virginia 23663

marker7 1.14 miles

6 East Mellen Street, HAMPTON, Virginia 23663

marker8 1.11 miles

31 East Mellen Street, HAMPTON, Virginia 23663

marker9 1.10 miles

30 East Mellen Street, HAMPTON, Virginia 23663

marker10 1.09 miles

33 East Mellen Street, HAMPTON, Virginia 23663

marker11 1.07 miles

38 East Mellen Street, HAMPTON, Virginia 23663


marker12 1.01 miles

490 Fenwick Road, HAMPTON, Virginia 23651

marker13 0.32 miles

2 Fenwick Road, HAMPTON, Virginia 23651

marker14 0.26 miles

100 McNair Drive, FORT MONROE, Virginia 23651


marker15 0.06 miles

1 Ruckman Road, FORT MONROE, Virginia 23651

Coffee shop / Tea

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