Restaurants within 2 miles of Thackerville, Oklahoma

There are no dining options available within 2 miles of Thackerville. The following are the nearest listings found. Note distances are as the crow flies and may not reflect actual travel distances.

Thackerville is a town in Love County, Oklahoma. It is located near the Texas state border. The population was 400 at the 2020 census.

marker1 1.55 miles
Photo showing Mickey Mantle’s

777 Casino Avenue, THACKERVILLE, Oklahoma 73459

Mickey Mantle’s has been a staple of Oklahoma City’s elevated downtown culinary scene since 2000, and is now a crowning jewel of WinStar World Casino and Resort’s fine cocktail and dining establishments.

marker2 1.54 miles

777 Casino Avenue, THACKERVILLE, Oklahoma 73459

marker3 1.53 miles

777 Casino Avenue, THACKERVILLE, Oklahoma 73459


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