Restaurants within 2 miles of Greenwich, New York

Listing 13 restaurants in and around Greenwich.

marker1 0.12 miles
Photo showing Wallie’s

52 Main Street, GREENWICH, New York 12834

marker2 1.53 miles

525 State Rt 29, GREENWICH, New York 12834


marker3 1.34 miles

1120 Rt 29, GREENWICH, New York 12834

marker4 1.53 miles

525 State Route 29, GREENWICH, New York 12834

Coffee shop / Tea

marker5 1.13 miles

1169 Rte 29, GREENWICH, New York 12834


marker6 1.28 miles

1135 Route 29, GREENWICH, New York 12834

marker7 0.23 miles

1 Main Street, GREENWICH, New York 12834


marker8 0.70 miles

1251 State Rte 29, GREENWICH, New York 12834


marker9 0.21 miles

27 Main Street, GREENWICH, New York 12834

marker10 0.06 miles

2 Washington Square, GREENWICH, New York 12834


marker11 0.06 miles

99 Main Street, GREENWICH, New York 12834

Coffee shop / Tea

marker12 0.06 miles

93 Main Street, GREENWICH, New York 12834

marker13 0.03 miles

5 Salem Street, GREENWICH, New York 12834


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