Restaurants within 2 miles of Los Alamos, New Mexico

Listing 13 restaurants in and around Los Alamos.

Los Alamos usually refers to Los Alamos, New Mexico.

marker1 0.51 miles
Photo showing El Parasol

1903 Central Avenue, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544

If you’re looking for a casual, excellent taste of Northern New Mexico and Mexican traditional favorites and you happen to be within a fifty mile radius of Santa Fe, watch for a colorful beach umbrella logo identifying El Parasol restaurants.

marker2 1.95 miles

4709 Trinity Drive, Unit B, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544

marker3 0.60 miles

124 Central Park Square, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544


marker4 0.58 miles

163 Central Park Square, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544


marker5 0.52 miles

121 Central Park Square, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544


marker6 0.52 miles

1789 Central Avenue, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544

marker7 0.49 miles

1627 Central Avenue Ste A, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544


marker8 0.47 miles

1793 Deacon Street, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544


marker9 0.47 miles

1350 Central Avenue, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544


marker10 0.43 miles

1743 Trinity Drive, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544


marker11 0.38 miles

163 Central Park Square, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544

marker12 0.35 miles

759 Central Avenue, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544


marker13 0.27 miles

800 Trinity Drive, LOS ALAMOS, New Mexico 87544

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