Restaurants within 2 miles of Swanzey, New Hampshire

There are no dining options available within 2 miles of Swanzey. The following are the nearest listings found. Note distances are as the crow flies and may not reflect actual travel distances.

Swanzey is a town in Cheshire County, New Hampshire. The population was 7,270 at the 2020 census. In addition to the town center, Swanzey includes the villages of East Swanzey, West Swanzey, North Swanzey and Westport.

marker1 1.35 miles

80 Airport Road, KEENE, New Hampshire 03431

Pubs / Bars

marker2 1.35 miles

80 Airport Road, KEENE, New Hampshire 03431

marker3 1.29 miles

121 Old Homestead Highway, SWANZEY, New Hampshire 03446


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