Restaurants within 2 miles of Old Town, Maine

Listing 13 restaurants in and around Old Town.

Old Town is a city in Penobscot County, Maine. The population was 7,431 at the 2020 census. The city's developed area is chiefly located on the relatively large Marsh Island, but its boundaries extend beyond it. The island is surrounded and defined by the Penobscot River to the east and the Stillwater River to the west.

marker1 0.11 miles
Photo showing Kanu

283 Main Street, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468

marker2 1.47 miles

613 Stillwater Avenue, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468

Fast Food

marker3 1.22 miles

492 Stillwater Avenue, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468


marker4 1.24 miles

500 Stillwater Avenue, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468


marker5 1.15 miles

484 Stillwater Avenue, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468


marker6 1.20 miles

496 Stillwater Avenue, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468


marker7 0.40 miles

151 Main Street, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468


marker8 0.49 miles

354 Main Street, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468

marker9 0.37 miles

12 Main Road, MILFORD, Maine 04461


marker10 0.33 miles

170 Main Street, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468


marker11 0.33 miles

603 Broadway Street, BANGOR, Maine Bangor

Fast Food

marker12 0.11 miles

268 Main Street, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468

marker13 0.08 miles

296 Main Street, OLD TOWN, Maine 04468

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