Restaurants within 2 miles of Kittery Point, Maine

Listing 10 restaurants in and around Kittery Point.

Kittery Point is a census-designated place in the town of Kittery, York County, Maine. First settled in 1623, Kittery Point traces its history to the first seafarers who colonized the shore of what became Massachusetts Bay Colony and later the State of Maine. Located beside the Atlantic Ocean, it is home to Fort McClary State Historic Site, and Fort Foster Park on Gerrish Island. Cutts Island is home to Seapoint Beach and the Brave Boat Harbor Division of the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge.

marker1 0.49 miles
Photo showing Chauncey Creek Lobster Pier

16 Chauncey Creek Road, KITTERY POINT, Maine 03905


marker2 1.88 miles

588 Wentworth Road, NEW CASTLE, New Hampshire 03854


marker3 1.90 miles

10 Shapleigh Road, KITTERY, Maine 03904

marker4 1.25 miles

52 Main Street, NEW CASTLE, New Hampshire 03854

marker5 1.28 miles

25 Wentworth Road, NEW CASTLE, New Hampshire 03854

marker6 1.14 miles

Kittery Point, ME 03905, NEW CASTLE, New Hampshire

marker7 0.88 miles

Portsmouth Harbor, KITTERY POINT, Maine 03905

marker8 0.47 miles

Rt 103, KITTERY, Maine 03904

marker9 0.33 miles

Pepperrell Road, KITTERY, Maine 03905

marker10 0.26 miles

90 Pepperrell Road, KITTERY POINT, Maine 03905


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