Restaurants within 2 miles of Kennebunk, Maine

Listing 30 restaurants in and around Kennebunk.

Renew your sense of adventure by cruising out of Cape Porpoise on a working lobster boat, fly-fishing on the Mousam River or hitting the slopes at one of our nearby ski resorts. Let our small-town community spirit become part of the fabric of your life – for a day or for a lifetime.

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marker1 1.19 miles

65 Portland Road, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

Winery / Brewery

marker2 0.98 miles

45 Portland Road, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker3 0.98 miles

57 Portland Road, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

Subs / Sandwiches

marker4 0.84 miles

48 Portland Road, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker5 0.96 miles

45 Portland Road, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

Subs / Sandwiches

marker6 1.28 miles

70 Portland Road, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker7 0.02 miles

8 York Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043


marker8 0.17 miles

30 York Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043


marker9 0.18 miles

41 Main Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker10 0.04 miles

7 High Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker11 0.08 miles

4 Main Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker12 0.04 miles

5 York Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043


marker13 0.04 miles

1 York Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

Fast Food

marker14 0.03 miles

3 York Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker15 1.24 miles

71 Portland Road, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker16 0.21 miles

51 Main Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker17 1.24 miles

71 Portland Road, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker18 0.42 miles

54 York Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

marker19 1.32 miles

76 Portland Road, KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine 04046

marker20 0.01 miles

6 York Street, KENNEBUNK, Maine 04043

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