Restaurants within 2 miles of Holden, Maine

There are no dining options available within 2 miles of Holden. The following are the nearest listings found. Note distances are as the crow flies and may not reflect actual travel distances.

Holden is a town in Penobscot County, Maine. The population was 3,277 at the 2020 census.

marker1 1.87 miles

710 Wilson Street, BREWER, Maine 04412

Weathervane Seafood Restaurants, a family seafood restaurant in the Northeast with 14 locations.

We also ship lobsters from our corporate waterfront location in Kittery! Locations in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.

marker2 1.71 miles

1025 Main Road, HOLDEN, Maine 04429

Subs / Sandwiches

marker3 1.70 miles

1024 Main Road, HOLDEN, Maine 04429


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