Restaurants within 2 miles of Hallowell, Maine

Listing 20 restaurants in and around Hallowell.

Hallowell is a city in Kennebec County, Maine. The population was 2,570 at the 2020 census. Popular with tourists, Hallowell is noted for its culture and old architecture. Hallowell is included in the Augusta, Maine, micropolitan New England City and Town Area.

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marker1 1.55 miles
Photo showing Cloud 9-senator Restaurant

284 Western Avenue, AUGUSTA, Maine 04330

Quality lodging and accommodations in Augusta, Maine at the Senator Inn and Spa.

Lavish spa facilities and an award-winning restaurant.

. .

marker2 0.73 miles
Photo showing Ground Round Sports Grille

215 Whitten Road, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347

The area's #1 restaurant for catching a game, a drink and a great bite to eat.

Our casual atmosphere is ideal for sports fan and non-sports fans of all ages.

marker3 1.92 miles
Photo showing Thai With Us

75 Airport Road, AUGUSTA, Maine 04330

We serve only the freshest and finest ingredients.

Here at Thai With Us, you will experience the liveliness and excitement of our exhibition kitchen.

marker4 1.65 miles

390 Western Avenue, AUGUSTA, Maine 04330

Authentically delicious food and drinks made fresh to order daily.

Art and furnishings handcrafted in Mexico.

For family, friends and community, the fiesta starts here.

marker5 1.32 miles
Photo showing Maine Local Market

136 Water Street, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347

marker6 1.36 miles

222 Water Street, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347

Lucky Garden Restaurant in Hallowell, Maine, is your complete source for delicious Chinese food.

Visit us any day of the week for our full Chinese buffet.

marker7 1.30 miles
Photo showing The Quarry Tap Room

122 Water Street, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347

marker8 1.35 miles

192 Water Street, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347


marker9 1.70 miles

256 Streetate Street, AUGUSTA, Maine 04330-6913


marker10 1.61 miles

294 State Street, AUGUSTA, Maine 04330


marker11 1.70 miles

256 State Street, AUGUSTA, Maine 04330


marker12 1.56 miles

208 Western Avenue, AUGUSTA, Maine 04330

marker13 1.57 miles

265 Western Avenue, AUGUSTA, Maine 04330


marker14 1.41 miles

26 Whitten Road, AUGUSTA, Maine 04330

marker15 1.41 miles

232 Water Street, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347


marker16 0.82 miles

1 Stevens Street, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347

marker17 1.32 miles

161-169 Water Street, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347


marker18 1.29 miles

115 Water Street, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347

marker19 1.28 miles

103 Water Street, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347


marker20 1.24 miles

38 Water Street, HALLOWELL, Maine 04347

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