Restaurants within 2 miles of Burnside, Kentucky

Listing 17 restaurants in and around Burnside.

Burnside is a home rule-class city in Pulaski County, Kentucky, in the United States. The population was 611 at the 2010 census. In 2004, Burnside became the only town in Pulaski County or any adjoining county to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages in qualified establishments. Since then, Burnside has annexed about eight miles of shoreline along Lake Cumberland in order to include Lee's Ford Marina on Fishing Creek, allowing it to sell alcohol.

marker1 1.66 miles

6320 s hwy 27, BURNSIDE, Kentucky 42519

marker2 1.69 miles

6320 South Highway 27, BURNSIDE, Kentucky 42501

Subs / Sandwiches

marker3 1.64 miles

120 Stone Crest Drive, Suite 3, SOMERSET, Kentucky 42501


marker4 1.65 miles

120 Stone Crest Dr # 1, SOMERSET, Kentucky 42501


marker5 1.64 miles

120 Stonecrest Drive, SOMERSET, Kentucky 42501


marker6 1.64 miles

120 Stonecrest Drive, SOMERSET, Kentucky 42501

marker7 1.60 miles

100 Stone Crest Drive, SOMERSET, Kentucky 42503


marker8 0.22 miles

680 West Lakeshore Drive, BURNSIDE, Kentucky 42519


marker9 1.54 miles

1480 Highway 90, BRONSTON, Kentucky 42518

marker10 1.56 miles

8100 South Highway 27, BURNSIDE, Kentucky 42519


marker11 0.30 miles

680 West Lakeshore Drive, BURNSIDE, Kentucky 42519


marker12 0.25 miles

7789 South Highway 27, BURNSIDE, Kentucky 42519


marker13 0.23 miles

7788 South Highway 27, BURNSIDE, Kentucky 42519

marker14 1.89 miles

6361 South Highway 27, SOMERSET, Kentucky 42501

marker15 1.60 miles

100 Stonecrest Drive, Suite8, SOMERSET, Kentucky 42501

marker16 1.90 miles

6337 South Highway 27, SOMERSET, Kentucky 42501

marker17 0.07 miles

7984 US-27, BURNSIDE, Kentucky 42519


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