Restaurants in Mississippi

Through the centuries travelers have come to Mississippi for many reasons. Some like Hernando de Soto came in search of riches. Others such a Ulysses S. Grant, marched through on their way to glory and fame. Today visitors still find that a trip to Mississippi yields great rewards.

From the antebellum mansions of Natchez to the bustling excitement of metropolitan Jackson. From the sultry sea breezes and sun-drenched beaches of the Coast to the bright lights and fast-paced action of Tunica. It all adds up to one great experience.

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In 2009, we became Oxford’s neighborhood restaurant and living room. The brain child of Award-Winning Chef, John Currence, Snackbar is a Southern Brasserie that prides itself on using local Mississippi ingredients whenever possible. We are your place for the freshest raw oysters from around the country, artfully crafted cocktails, and fine internationally-inspired food cultivated by 2019 James Beard ‘Best Chef: South’, Vishwesh Bhatt. Come let Team Snackbar show you a truly memorable experience. Our door is open to all.

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